28 January, 2020
O1 business centres certified compliant with BREEAM in-Use Part 2

28 January, 2020. The Krugozor, White Stone, iCUBE, LeFORT, Vivaldi Plaza and Silver City business centres, owned and managed by O1 Properties, the largest owner of class-A office real estate in Moscow, obtained certification under Part 2 of the BREEAM In-Use international environmental standards for buildings.

The business centres already obtained BREEAM in-Use Part 1 certificates earlier in 2019. Part 1 is focused on engineering and architectural solutions that enable buildings to minimize their environmental footprint. Part 2 focuses on the management and operation of buildings, which ensure that they achieve their full potential for harmony with the environment.
The Krugozor and iCUBE projects were rated “Excellent” in the Part 2 certification. White Stone, LeFORT, Vivaldi Plaza and Silver City were rated “Very Good”.

The international real estate services company, CBRE, acted as consultant for BREEAM certification of the business centres.
During assessment of the Krugozor, White Stone, iCUBE, LeFORT, Vivaldi Plaza and Silver City business centres, it was noted that O1 Properties and O1 Standard (respectively owner and manager) have operational policies in place that ensure efficient use of existing building capacities and progressive reduction of negative environmental impact, including reduction of resource consumption, non-recyclable waste creation, use of hazardous materials and carbon emissions.

A policy to reduce light pollution from artificial lighting has been designed and implemented.
O1 Standard regularly monitors electricity and water consumption, comparing the results with target indicators and storing them in the public domain for staff of the management company and all users of the business centres. The Company regularly submits water samples to an independent laboratory and carries out routine inspections and cleaning of engineering systems to guard against risk of Legionnaire’s disease.
Air purity at the business centres is also strictly monitored: guidelines have been introduced for maximum content of volatile organic substances in supplier products and all cleaning products used at the centres have environmental certificates and are safe for human health.
The management company conducts regular surveys of user satisfaction and uses the findings to further improve levels of comfort. A project to increase biodiversity in the outdoor grounds of the centres is being implemented to a plan designed by an independent expert.

Krugozor business centre is located in the south-west of Moscow and consists of two buildings connected by a passage. The complex is a redevelopment of industrial buildings from the Soviet period.
White Stone business centre is one of the longest established and best known business centres in Moscow. It is located in the business hub adjacent to Belorussky metro and railway stations with an express train service to Sheremetyevo Airport. White Stone stands out in the architectural landscape thanks to its modern architecture and panoramic glazing.

iCUBE business centre is located in easy walking distance of Profsoyuznaya metro station, near Leninsky and Nakhimovsky Avenues in south-west Moscow. The building stands out thanks to panoramic glazing of its facade.
Lefort business centre stands on Elektrozavodskaya Embankment in east central Moscow. The complex, on the territory of a former silk factory, consists of 10 buildings, some of which date from the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. The territory was transformed into a modern business complex in 2007.

Vivaldi Plaza business centre is located in one of Moscow’s most vibrant business districts near Paveletsky metro and train station. The complex consists of four buildings: “Spring”, “Summer”, “Autumn”, “Winter”, named after Antonio Vivaldi’s musical masterpiece, The Four Seasons.
Silver City business centre is located at the intersection of the Garden Ring and Serebryanicheskaya Embankment, one mile from the Kremlin. The complex stands out from the surrounding landscape by its modern architecture and vibrant colour scheme.
O1 Properties is committed to full certification of its real estate portfolio to BREEAM environmental standards as part of the Company’s sustainable development strategy. O1 Properties implements technologies and practices for management of its business centres, which reduce consumption of natural resources and negative impact of the buildings on the environment. As of January 28, 2020, over 598,000 square metres of space (GBA) in the O1 Properties portfolio have environmental certificates.