UN Global Compact

By joining the Global Compact, the Company confirms its commitment to the 10 Principles of responsible and sustainable business conduct in the spheres of human rights, labour, responsible attitude to the environment and anti-corruption.

The Global Compact is an international initiative by the UN in the field of corporate social responsibility and sustainable development, which coordinates efforts by the business community to approve and disseminate transparent rules and technologies for doing business, thus contributing to the long-term harmonious development of the world in the long term. The initiative brings together over 9500 companies in 160 countries.

One objective of the UN Global Compact is to promote and raise awareness of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). These are 17 goals for the world community, the achievement of which will go far towards eradicating global problems and threats. The business community has a special role to play in achieving the SDGs, by changing business processes in order to reduce their possible negative consequences and by increasing the positive contribution of business to the development of society.

When we joined the Global Compact, we analyzed the SDGs and identified Goal 11 “Sustainable cities” and Goal 12 “Responsible consumption and production” as our priorities. We are now working to assist achievement of these goals by improving the environmental efficiency of commercial real estate in our portfolio, developing publicly accessible green recreational areas, preserving cultural heritage sites, reducing volumes of non-recyclable waste, and promoting the development of alternative types transport.